Friday 22 November 2013

A de-clutter - thimble found!

Cold today, but fine, that will do me.
Had a grand de-clutter in "my" room today. This room is next to the kitchen and is always warm because Percy the parrot lives there. It also has a small TV and my laptop --- what more do I need?! However, because I "work" from here it is covered in documents, maps and books some sewing and trays of seed drying. There are two floor to ceiling bookshelves, which had got into a bit of a state and several piles of papers and files. Much of this mess was the post-research-for-the-exhibition detritus. I had found a couple of perfectly sized boxes and so was able to organise much of the paperwork.
I have taken a picture of part of the organised room to show you what a good job I had done. Looking at it now I realise that the tidy-minded minimalists amongst you may wonder if it is the "before" shot and if I understand the term "de-clutter"!

It's good for me and a HUGE plus is that I have found my best thimble.. hurrah! my perfect fit, silver thimble that has been missing for about 4 months.

 This morning one of our foster children from years ago turned up for a chat. He stayed for a couple of cups of tea and cake and then lunch. Someone had given me a large jar of coffee so I shared it with him and as I was wiping out the preserve cupboard, gave him a large jar of damson jam too. It's not much, but it helps a bit and his circumstances are somewhat stretched. I didn't want to pry or insult him but I suspect he is feeling the cold and his clothes are more fashionable than warm. I shall get some stuff together for if he calls again, as he will probably accept a Christmas present but not "charity".

 Adam will be with us this weekend and, as it looks as though it will be dry, we can have a bonfire. Adam's favourite job and an opportunity to do some more tidying. He also likes to push a wheel barrow, which is good as we have three tonne bags of horse manure to move!

 Enough for now. Before I settle down for a spot of hand sewing with my lovely thimble I'd like to give a warm Derbyshire welcome to Patricia from Tarragon and Thyme.


  1. I think your room looks nice Gill. I always like to see books in a room. It gives it warmth in my opinion! I'll bet you're nice and warm in there on cold winter days!

    1. I certainly am! I tend to scuttle into here with a cup of tea when I come in from the garden

  2. I would need a JCB to de-clutter my studio/workroom. Another day maybe!

    1. You should see my sewing/painting room aka a spare bedroom. I find by brain works harder/faster than my broom!

  3. I think your room is lovely! I have lots of books, too! Have you seen pictures of bookshelves in various homes, where there are about 12 books artfully arranged on the shelves? I just don't do sterile and sparse! Love your chatty sound like a lovely, warm person! Thanks for your posts....

  4. I know what you mean. I wish I had a tidier brain though !
    Thanks for your kind comments I am so glad you enjoy my blog
