Friday 8 April 2022

Reducing cooking fuel costs II


 Hello All

Continuing my reducing fuel cost posts....

This next piece of equipment that is sparing on fuel is a no-brainer. 

The trusty Slow cooker.

I have three slow cookers. Two large and one small. I frequently have all three on at once if I am preparing for a busy few days and want to be on top of the game.  This weekend I have a large one cooking vegetables (carrot, swede, celery and red pepper) that I don't want to spoil from the fridge with a bag of frozen tomatoes from last year's crop, a cup full of lentils and three pints of veggie stock ( lidl veggie cubes) I will blitz this when cooked and have soup for  lunch for several days,. Obviously this will be heated up a dish at a time as needed in the microwave. The small slow cooker  has a couple of pints of milk I have extra plus a frozen pint of semi skimmed from the freezer, with three ounces of sugar and four and a half ounces of pudding rice. The rice pudding made in a slow cooker is just like the tinned ones ( young people prefer ) If you want to turn it into an old fashioned rice pud, when the pud is cooked turn it into a dish and put it into the oven to get a skin ( best bit) mind you this only makes sense if your oven is already on for something else. The third slow cooker has some neck of lamb with carrots, onions, potato. stock and a generous dollop of mint sauce. I put plenty of stock in this ( lidl beef) so that I can add dumplings later, which will suck up quite a bit of juice.

Using your slow cooker means "one pot cooking" which reduces washing up too. When your slow cookers are simmering away you might consider if there is any heat you can " borrow" . They will certainly heat your kitchen and also produce just the right amount of heat to rise bread or keep your soda bread culture jiggling along. Any other ideas?

So enough of saving energy for this post. A dry subject I know, but things are getting serious with regard to fuel bills and even if you can afford the high bills, considering the impact on the environment  is now leading us to be more careful.

Received  texts from APHA today and yesterday. Four new cases of Avian flu  - Somerset, Devon, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. For goodness sake ! Will those poor hens ever get out of lockdown !?

I'm resisting posting about Ukraine, but goodness it's difficult not to have a view isn't it?

All for now, off to prick out seedlings in the back greenhouse.

Back Soon, now I'm on a roll

Love Gillx

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Reducing fuel costs

 Hello All

As I said in my last post I'm going to try to add frugal tips and hints with each  post from now on and post more frequently.

I don't intend these posts to be primarily about frugality ( if you are a follower you already know I'm all over the place when posting anyway) and I will try not to be too preachy, nor make claim that this is all world-shatteringly new stuff, because it isn't.

I am going to start with reducing cooking fuel costs. 

Starting with equipment. No.1

I find a stack of steamer saucepans invaluable. you can cook three different vegetables on one hob. This is also a great  idea for a moving house or wedding present for a couple. being something they may not have thought of and also reasonably priced. ( I saw a set at The Range before Christmas for less than £15.00

A plus in using this method is that while your carrots/ potatoes etc are bubbling away in the bottom saucepan your greens, beans etc can be lightly steamed above a short while before eating, this retains the nutrients. I suppose most of you like me, then use the water from the bottom pan towards gravy or stock. Waste not want not eh?!

So now  I have taught my grandmother to suck eggs I know, but maybe not a granddaughter. Watch this space for another min-numbingly boring tip in my next post. I suppose saving energy ( and the planet) is not very exciting but is becoming increasingly essential.

Changing tack completely and lightening the post here

The damson blossom is spectacular and if it would stay sunny/ warm enough for the bees to leave the the hives we should get a bumper crop. So far they are not out flying for long before they are rained or snowed on. Time will tell and fingers crossed

And lastly, here is my cucurbit  propagator, which can be heated but I don't. With Luffas to the left and Cucumbers to the right and Courgettes in the middle. ( I bet you have been inspired to sing an early 70's song there!) This year I am also growing  Tromboncino for the first time. Has anyone grown this ?

So there we are,  same old ramblings
Back Soon 
Gill x
PS. Thanks  Lizzie I tried that bread recipe and it was the best ever! 


Friday 1 April 2022

FRUGAL in Derbyshire

 Hello All

It has been said to me that maybe I should be blogging more often now, considering the title of my blog and the current  fiscal circumstances.  I reckon those that already follow me and those that I follow are already pretty savvy when it comes to managing their money/ household but I'll give it a shot !

I'll have a go at regurgitating some ideas from years ago that people might not have seen but which are  relevant to current times. When I look back over old blogs I am heartened that many, if not all,  frugal ways are also good for the environment and sustainable living. Quelle surprise eh?

As said before, several followers are masters of frugality and I do hope that they join in with ideas if anything I write triggers them to do so. I will state here that we do not live on the breadline, having our married folk basic pension and my works pension. We live a simple but full life and we also have the facility to grow our own food. which makes us pretty resilient. However, I know that many people are extremely worried about how they will manage, with rising fuel and food prices ( and who knows what the outcome of Putin's madness will be?!) I think it is fair to say that even if Rishi finds a hidden stash of billions+++ it wont help with the effects of climate change and political decisions world wide on the amount of food and fuel available for instance.

SO enough of my politicising ( is that a word?) Off to choose something to kickstart this blog.

Back soon
