Thursday, 28 March 2013

The Challenge continues

Good Evening All
 I had hoped to show you some pics tonight, but for some reason they won't load !
So I 'll have another go tomorrow night and content myself with telling you about how the challenge is going.

Tuesdays Meals - I started with the usual porridge - I'm really getting through the bag of sugar that I put on the side ! Lunch was beans on a large toasted cob and my evening meal was two a lentil pancakes. This was not a planned meal, but D. enjoyed the "taste" I gave him of monday's lentil balls so much  that he ate two with this meal! So the three that I was going to put aside for another day were reduced to one - hardly worth freezing - so I crushed it into the sauce added a small amount of grated cheese and filled two of the pancakes I had frozen last week. I ate these with the last of the coleslaw.

Wednesdays Meals - The ubiquitous porridge for breakfast, an egg cob for lunch ( yes! I've had to sell myself half a dozen eggs!) and a portion of sausage and bacon casserole with pasta fro my evening meal

Thursdays (today) Meals - guess what ? Porridge ! lentil Soup  for lunch and Sausage, mash, fried onion and processed peas for my evening meal.
 I find I am struggling not to use the contents of my freezer/ store cupboard to ring the changes.It would be extremely easy for me to live on less than a pound a day as a smallholder, but my challenge was to live on a pound a day for a month with contents bought from a supermarket or shop. That said I'm really enjoying the challenge.
I shall  bake tomorrow. I was going to make biscuits yesterday, but didn't get time. So tomorrow I will make biscuits and a bacon roll I've been thinking about.
I hope I can load some pics tomorrow. you will then be able to see the orphan lambs that we acquired yesterday. Their names are Shaun, Simon, Susie and Sky,  who have been named by my granddaughters.

The snow is slowly going here, but it is still bitterly cold - which is why the lambs are still in the house.!

More tomorrow  - keep warm


  1. I love the idea of having lambs around. They aren't raised much in our area, but we do have friends who have a "hobby" farm who raise them.

    1. I think "hobby" farming is the same as smallholding here in England. However, sheep keeping is also practised on a large scale by farmers with many acres.
      They are lovely to have around though, even when they grow bigger.

  2. I'm finding your frugal challenge very interesting!
