The mushrooms were a real bargain. I gave someone a lift to Asda, which is not a shop I use as it is too far away. While he was in the opticians next door,I went into the store for dog food for Prickly Pete. The mushrooms were marked down from £2.64 per kilo to 25p per kilo. There were two bags, one cost 12p and the other 9p ! I bought both of course and gave one to my eldest granddaughter who is extremely fond of the little creatures ( I don't like them too much, but D does)
I have plenty of onions, garlic, squash and potatoes in store so I reckon I should be able to make a couple of meals from this lot.
I'll post later with the results. Please join me later.
Bye for now ...Gill
I read a book one day that called a meal of bits CORD -- as in "clean out refrigerator day." I always think of that when I make soup. Can't wait to see what use you put them to.