Tuesday 15 October 2013

Apples and Slow Cooker Bread

Just like The Squirrel Family I've had an appley day today. I have sold all the cookers and windfalls I felt I could spare, so now is the time to look at what is left. Though I do have a Jonagold tree with a couple of dozen apples on, not quite ready for picking (This apple is a very good keeper and will last into the new year)  Below is a pic of what I bought in to sort. In the outhouse there are two trays of eaters and three bags of eaters in the beer fridge. As you can see these are are cookers and a tray of mixed windfalls. I have to say I started with all good intentions to process them all but failed dismally!
The ones in the front -Arthur Turner - were very disappointing and badly marked with bitter pit, which I usually get with my Grenadier but not these, usually. However I did manage to save some. I then looked through the Bramleys and put the perfect ones to keep, some in a tray and some in the beer fridge. Of the rest I par-cooked up half for the freezer and left the rest to attack tomorrow. Of the tray of windfalls I cut up and cooked half with enough water to cover. this I will strain to make a jelly with ...damsons?' Rowan berries? blackberries? Rosehips? dip, dip, dip  Blackberries I reckon.
So I didn't process everything, but did make a start.
What I DID do was make a loaf in the slow cooker. Brilliant!!! You know how it is, you look up the latest blog of someone you follow and then you have a peek at someone they follow and so on and before you know it you can't remember how you came to be where you have landed! Where I did land was at Frugal mum of three, where I copied her recipe and instructions for a loaf made in the slow cooker. It is so easy and the end result looks pretty good. I haven't tasted it yet, as I am waiting for it to go cold so that I can properly assess the success. but it does look BDG !
 Sausage and mash with fried onions, mashed carrot and swede and runner beans for tea.
My back was a bit achey his afternoon so I sat and did some mending and then put a zip in Godson's trousers, taken from some old trousers of mine- perfectly good zip, why waste it?
I am going to have another go at watching "Masters of Sex" tonight. I am particularly interested as I used to give Sex Education classes many years ago and there were not that many useful books on the subject. Can't say as I was that impressed with the first episode as it was very glamorous and pretty pornographic in a titillating, rather than an informative sort of way.
Until next time.
Hallo to those following on Bloglovin !


  1. bread in the slo cooker sounds very good, I'm going to try to look up the blog you mentioned.

    1. It is a really nice blog, which I am going to follow

  2. Can't wait to hear the verdict on the bread. I had a full day on the kitchen and intend to rest this evening...and crochet!

    1. Shall put a picture on my next blog.
      I like to do a bit of hand sewing or mending to relax

  3. I planted a Jonagold this Spring, but have yet to hear any 'independent' reports about their qualities. Good to hear that they're 'good keepers'.

  4. Indeed they are. they are a bit tasteless when first picked, but mature nicely and are fine by Christmas/new year and beyond.
