Thursday 6 June 2013

Birthday and D Day

Hello All.
Today is my birthday, and though I'm not particularly bothered about it ( I might be if it was a "special" one) I have had some LOVELY presents.
How about this Kath (Hillside House)?....I have been given a walking foot for my quilting!!
Also a wireless mouse ( I can't get on with the pad thing at the front of my laptop) NO Wires, how cool is that ? A mincer and sausage making attachment for my Kenwood; A new bee veil;  (why do I feel I must say "new"?); pants; socks; flowers; a cardigan and a memory stick. Now I am sure you will agree that that is a pretty good list of useful things that will in one way or another support my frugal and self sufficient life. I considered wearing my pressies to show you, but decided I would look decidedly bizarre, if not a little kinky! ( cardy, socks, pants and a bee veil. ummm )

By the way I am now 67. I don't feel it and on the rare occasions when I glance in the mirror I think "Who is that old crone?!"

Today is the anniversary of D Day, I was born exactly a year later. In the next door but one's garden is a  Union Jack. This is being flown by my neighbour who was at the D Day landings. he is a sprightly 96 year old who's brain is as sharp as a knife. He has a wonderful memory and many tales to tell. He flies the flag in memory of his fallen comrades. "We weren't brave, just doing a job, not much choice really!"

Tomorrow we are going to the funeral of a dear friend's mother. We got to know her well over the years and  we feel for his dad who at 93 will be at a loss I expect. Immediately after the funeral we will pick up a friend who is coming with us to... Cornwall!! What a surprise, a whole month and we haven't been sea fishing. Yet again YD will take over here, bless her, what would we do without her?.
We are told that the fishing has been poor over the last month. There is definitely a different feel to the fishing trips, with poor catches for most boats. I will let you know how we get on.
Welcome Wallace, nice to see you here.
Off to bed for me now, early start in the morning.
Sleep well frugal friends


  1. You have a family as good as mine ! I would love to receive every one of your "useful gifts" that I probably would nt buy for myself. I would add to those things, gourmet coffee, shade grown organic (not flavored) which I would probably would not buy for myself.
    I realise that I am exactly the same age as you (you seem to have a bit more energy that I have although I am, on the whole, very productive.
    Have a great time fishing, hope your catch is good; safe journey !

  2. happy birthday Gill! so happy you got your walking foot, you will be really glad of it. I don't know about you, but when mine came, it had no fitting instructions and I had to look on Youtube.
    Sounds like you had some great gifts.

  3. Wishing you a very happy birthday for yesterday and a successful fishing trip. Lovely presents.

  4. I'm just catching up on some blog reading myself now and had completely missed this. Happy belated birthday nonetheless!
