Thursday, 27 December 2012

The day after Boxing day is almost my favourite day of the holiday week. Christmas day we entertain the family and close friends, Boxing day we spend with a dear friend and her family and today we are "Home Alone" and I attack the left overs!! Several meals put down in the freezer - sliced meats with stuffings or sauces, Pie and pasty and pancake fillings and good old turkey broth and bubble and squeak.
There was a large french stick left over which I have turned into two garlic breads. I have frozen these.
This afternoon I dug up most of the remaining leeks as the Chickens have taken a sudden fancy to them. Tomorrow I shall make large quantities of Leek and Potato Soup and open freeze the rest of the leeks and then bag them so that I can take out the exact quantity I need. I shall also do some sweet baking.
 Have mended two pairs of trousers  this afternoon, while watching Time Team good excuse for a sit down !
 Phoned friends to arrange the loan of their trailer next month, when the last two lambs go to the butcher. They should have gone over a month ago, but he is in such demand because he is a caring man who only takes a few animals at a time, one day a week, which he handles and dispatches humanely.
 D has been chopping wood for the fire, I think he must have done enough for the rest of the winter, which is a good feeling.
Will put the presents we received at Christmas away tonight. We had some lovely presents, some of my favourites are the home made ones made by the young people. Hand knitted scarf, needle case, sampler, biscuits and a needle point picture in the likeness of our cat Dixie. How lucky we are to have such youg people in our lives.
10 Eggs today! whoop! picking up!


  1. Am enjoying reading your blog - you seem to have a life that can only be dreamed of by most people. I would love to keep bees and hens but my neighbours would nt be awfully keen.
    Hope to read more in 2013 !

    1. Thanks for that Lizzie. Smallholding is such hard work, but worth every minute. I'm starting to get the hang of blogging now, so hope to keep writing. Maybe that should have been one of my new years resolutions !
      A happy and peaceful new year to you
