Saturday 10 June 2017

Back to the blog post election

Hello All
Just a very quick post to say I am still here and battling on, sorry I have been so tardy posting, but I'm now "Back to the Blog"
The election has been interesting hasn't it?!!
Reading people's  blogs over the last few days (rather than keeping this one up to date!) I am struck by how SURE many people are that they are right and anyone who disagrees is a fool/ misguided etc. I wish I could be so sure that I was Right in my views. There are so many variables to each argument and so many views/ experiences to consider. I am a life-long Socialist (no shit Sherlock!) but do not consider that it is the only party that understands what a country or its people needs. I consider it has many flaws and am often upset  by some of its' policies and pissed off with some of the pretty uninspiring candidates ( I believe Diane Abbot is to leave her shadow cabinet post... thank goodness for that!) Whatever happened to the good old Statesmen of both parties? I have just read that Mrs May may be considering aligning herself with the DUP. marvellous!! anti abortion, anti gay etc. They could  also consider whether women should continue to have the vote while we are at it!
SO enough of that (for now) I'm off to brave the showers and plant up some more veg plants that are bursting out of their pots, prick out the tomatoes, pick gossegogs and string up the hops! All these things are achievable and good for the soul.
Back soon  - honest!


  1. I think the result reflects the uncertainty people are feeling. I don't trust any of the party's to do what they say they are going to do.

  2. I have read that Diane Abbot is seriously ill with a long term illness. She has received some stick over the past few weeks but my gut feeling is that now is the time to lay off until we find out what is wrong with her.
    I do agree about the election though - we all have our views but really do we know what is best for the country? Rather more scary is do the politicians know what is best for the country?

    1. I used to quite enjoy watching her when she doubled up with Michael Portillo, who I didn't like then over much. I now really like watching his railway journeys, but like Diane less as a politician! I understand her long term illness is diabetes, but as I am finding news less and less believable that might not be true!

  3. There's only a few sane people around and they write blogs rather than manifestos!

  4. I have come to see the whole process as Santa Claus versus the wicked witch of the west. I want nothing more to do with it.

    1. We certainly have a poor choice of leaders and cabinets.

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