Saturday, 10 August 2013

Shaun the bully, butterflies and a bonfire

It's been a few days since I wrote something here. I have been so busy and the time has flown !
Youngest granddaughter was staying with us for a day or two and we had much planned. I'd like to say that  we did all we planned, but of course we didn't! Life gets in the way sometimes doesn't it?
In the morning we usually take a stroll round the paddock after we have fed all the animals. On thursday morning the sheep joined as is usual for our constitutional. They have a bit of a fuss and then get on with their grazing. Except on this occasion Shaun decided he was going to butt YGD !!! Nothing we could do would stop him and he became quite nasty. YGD climbed on my back and with me giving him a good shove now and then we exited the field. She was frightened (rightly) and heartbroken because Shaun had turned on her (goodness knows she has given him enough love and bottles).  I can only assume that he is becoming a bit "male" and exerting himself. Shaun was entire when we bought him and as we were unsure of his age we didn't feel we could castrate him as we would usually do with a lamb a few days old. Not being castrated does't really matter too much if they are going for meat (which they are) as they are tend to be big enough for the butchers before they become a problem. HOWEVER, these three lambs.. Shaun, Suzie and Sky, are the smallest  lambs we have ever had.. they are positively Bonzai and we despair of them ever being big enough. It looks as though Shaun may have to go long before he will be any decent weight and goodness knows what the butcher (sweet man) will think!
Meanwhile YGD cannot be encouraged to go back in the field without us AND a big stick !
On a lighter note, we had a splendid butterfly hunt. We were equipped with the Butterfly Book, pen and pencil, magnifying glass and a camera (and a bottle of water as it was so hot) We went into the next field where recent movement of the soil had encouraged the growth of some interesting weed flowers which were covered with butterflies. I am sure you in the UK will have noticed the explosion of these beauties over the past couple of weeks. We spent a good part of the afternoon here and it was lovely to be helping another generation to appreciate the countryside and simple pleasures.
 I am always so happy that we get to see our grandchildren so often and have some input into their growth.

Had a really good weed today and can now actually see how well the veg are doing! Adam is staying with us this weekend and his favouriate meal is chicken pie. knowing this I made a pie with the chicken, stuffing and veg leftover from last sundays' meal. I froze this for today and served it up with fresh beans and peas from the garden. Though I make a mean chicken pie I don't actually like it!! So I used some some of the bits and bobs that I (or the chickens) had mistakedly dug up/broke and made pretty mean stirfry - leek/onion/potato/mizuna/spinach, I added some grated cheese and very nice it was too.
D. has saved a large pile of rotten and rubbish shrub clearing for a bonfire in the field. Fires are Adam's favourite activity in the whole world, so he is extremely happy !! Chicken Pie and a bonfire.. his cup runneth over! They will be in for a cup of cocoa soon. Meanwhile I'm having crafty look at Harry Potter "Goblet of Fire" When these films were first released we used to go en famile+friends- two rows of us, to watch them. My grandson was a particular fan and now YGD has discovered it and is huge fan too!

Enough for now. Thanks for joining me here. I am always so pleased to see that people read my scribblings. Gillx
PS Still no photos, hopefully YD will call tomorrow and have a look at it for me.


  1. When I was young my granddaddy had a calf that liked to play with us kids. When he got older it was quite scary to see him come charging at us. I remember more than one time running for the gate and climbing over it. :-)

  2. Wev'e had it with rams before, but not so soon. She was just about hysterical with Shaun. I dread to think what she would have been like if he was a grown calf!
