Monday 21 December 2015

Time to prep but not to stress

Hello All.
 Especially Frugal Finger a new follower on the side there and Jangray on Bloglovin.
I, like many others, have lost some followers lately, (Google prob?) but have no idea who they are.

Like yourselves, I'm sure, I am now on countdown to Christmas Day. I'm a little late with some of the preparations as I was a little unwell with a cold last week (when I was busy with other stuff too) and from Saturday, after we returned from Santa duty, David has been unwell too with a nasty cold. When David gets a cold it usually knocks him up as he has such a weak chest from his fight with cancer and heart surgery. So I have been nursing him as best I can as he is determined that he will be well enough for his last Santa duties on Wednesday when the canal boat will be pulled by a horse. Being on the boat all day has effectively lost us a days prep, so I will pull in tasks either side.

Christmas Day prep so far.....
Over the last few weeks I have done what prep I can. So far I have made and frozen the stuffing and the cheese sauce (compulsory in this house with all meals!) I have grown, processed and frozen  the apple sauce, parsnips, roast potatoes and the peas (I will pick the brussels fresh on Christmas Eve) We have a large leg of homegrown pork which I will take out of the freezer on Tuesday night along with a ham and the large turkey bought by a dear friend who joins us every Christmas day and always supplies the turkey. I am lucky enough to have a large old fridge (the beer fridge) in an outside room where I can defrost these joints slowly and safely.
From yesterday afternoon until tea time today  our ten year old granddaughter has been with us. She has helped to post the local cards and has made a sponge for the trifle which I will start tomorrow.  Most importantly, she has looked after her granddad, freeing me up to put the fifteen boxes of books back onto the shelves in the parrot's room and strip all the beds for the weekend.

Our youngest daughter and myself have already bought a goodly selection of cheese and tomorrow we will  pop to the shops for a joint of beef to roast for eating cold. Our eldest daughter has given me the money for this.

 Godson has been gifted a Christmas pudding which he has donated to the meal ( a posh Waitrose one no less) Not everyone likes Christmas pud, so YD  made and froze a treacle sponge yesterday, With the trifle that should be enough sweet stuff for the day.

 On Christmas Eve afternoon , after she has picked up the pigs in blankets, which she always buys, YD and myself will process the carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels and potatoes for mashing, boil the ham and roast the beef. We will also par-cook the pork joint to make the logistic of Christmas lunch easier.
We will then all go to a friend's early family party, pick up GSon son from work and then join some friends at a pub, before getting home at about midnight.

  Perhaps I should explain that though this might  seem excessive amounts of food to some it has to go some way ( though hopefully there will be plenty of leftovers to process)  I have just added up who will be at ours on Christmas Day and we will be 17 for Christmas Dinner with at least 14 more joining us for an Evening Buffet.
 So there you are. My Christmas prep. I have left out all the bits and bobs (pickles, bread etc) as this post is getting too long and boring.
I don't know whether I will be posting again before Christmas (I shall certainly be reading your blogs) so I will take this opportunity to wish you  a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a PEACEFUL NEW YEAR.
Best Wishes to you all.
Gill x
PS If it is your first Christmas hosting don't forget the extra milk and loo paper!


  1. No Christmas hosting for us. Mum's place on Christmas Eve, prawns and salmon and salad, and MIL's Christmas Day where we take a salad and everyone else brings something too.

    1. Love it when everybody brings something don't you? It gives those who are unable to host a chance to contribute.

  2. I am ready now, the last item was bought today, clotted cream. None of us like brandy butter and mince pies call for something unctuous.

    1. Not quite ready, but getting there! We don't like brandy butter either. we serve custard or cream. Never thought of clotted cream, which I love.

  3. All done here just a bit of greenary to bring in, its just the two of us so it will be lobster in front of the fire after a walk on the beach, I have a friend coming to stay for a few days coming on Sunday I think, i will be very laid back week of crafting ( she is my craft buddy) Have a great family Christmas :-)

    1. A walk on the beach sounds wonderful. Some of our lot go for a walk with the dogs though.

  4. Heh all our Christmas preps will not be done until the Mrs. is screaming and having a nervous breakdown on Christmas eve. Then her and the son will begin arguing and I will have to play referee and finally I will retreat into my own little space to quietly wait out the Christmas time madness when I can no longer take any more.

    Ahhh the Holidays :)

    I also lost like 10 followers over night and couldn't figure out who they were. None were missing that I could tell. No one important anyway :)

    Already gained another today though!!!

    1. Having a good scream helps I'm sure!!! And a "Man shed" to scuttle into is a must for David too after a couple of days of being sociable.
      I saw an explanation on Dani from Eco footprints blog for the missing follower thing.

  5. 17 for Christmas sound both fun and daunting. We shall be just TWO, as our offspring are spread all over the world. We shall celebrate by Skype. Happy Yule, and Happy Christmas.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes.It IS fun as I have two daughters and two granddaughter who know their way around my kitchen, which means the work is shared. And I certainly don't need to impress anybody either!

  6. Hope your husband gains his health back quickly, and can jolly well perform his Santa duties, how good of him to do that!
    It sounds like quite a feast, very happy you are having help contributing to that. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and you are exceedingly happy and full of love for one another.
    I've enjoyed your posts this past year.
    Blessings to all.

    1. Thanks for that Annie. He is a little better today and determined to go tomorrow.
      You are right I do have lots of help and everyone here is near and dear so I don't stress if something isn't quite perfect!
      Every good wish to you Annie

  7. Since we are only 3 but this year we will be 5. We have changed up our Christmas traditions.After the divorce, son and daughter help cook our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve and then we have it for dinner. Usually we warm up the leftovers for Christmas Day.
    But we have changed it again. We are all adults so Christmas Eve is the same but on Christmas Day we have brunch and then open our gifts while nibbling away. Quiet, nice, fun and enjoyable.
    On Christmas Eve we skype with Japanese family (their Christmas morning) and open the boxed we sent each other. Plus a 5 year old granddaughter make Christmas so much more fun. Even if it is on Skype.
    Ours is a very quiet but most enjoyable one. Especially after all the other Christmas with the x. We like peaceful !
    Hope you all feel better soon especially your husband.

    Merry Christmas.
    cheers, gayle and thehamish

    1. Thanks Gayle.
      Five years old is the VERY BEST age to enjoy Christmas. The children of this age that visit Santa are always full of awe and a simple excitement.
      I am sure one day we will have a quiet Christmas here!

  8. I wish you and your family a very happy Christmas, Gill, and hope your hubby feels much better for the big day x

    1. Many thanks PP He is quite a bit better today (or so he tells me!)
      I hope you and yours have a contented Christmas too x

  9. Just 6 here for us on Christmas day this year, 12 last year was ok for eating but not good for sitting in the living room. When we move into our little bungalow, there won't even be room for 6!
    Hope David soon recovers so you have a wonderful Christmas and family time

  10. We eat in the kitchen with two tables put end to end. As the day goes on everybody finds a place around the house either playing board games, entertaining the little ones, gossiping etc.
    Hope your new kitchen is big enough for you to continue preserve etc. Even if you don't grow it I don't see you not taking advantage of seasonal bargains.
    Hope you have a great Christmas Sue and look forward to continuing our Bloggy friendship.

  11. Just the two of us here, but I am making a trifle for the first time which adds an element of drama. Merry Christmas and hope your husband is better very soon.

  12. Have a very merry Christmas. You seem to have a house full most of the time at your house so this isn't much different for you. It's great that you have the help. We will have about 14 on Christmas Eve and then go to son and DIL on Christmas Day.
