Friday 1 April 2022

FRUGAL in Derbyshire

 Hello All

It has been said to me that maybe I should be blogging more often now, considering the title of my blog and the current  fiscal circumstances.  I reckon those that already follow me and those that I follow are already pretty savvy when it comes to managing their money/ household but I'll give it a shot !

I'll have a go at regurgitating some ideas from years ago that people might not have seen but which are  relevant to current times. When I look back over old blogs I am heartened that many, if not all,  frugal ways are also good for the environment and sustainable living. Quelle surprise eh?

As said before, several followers are masters of frugality and I do hope that they join in with ideas if anything I write triggers them to do so. I will state here that we do not live on the breadline, having our married folk basic pension and my works pension. We live a simple but full life and we also have the facility to grow our own food. which makes us pretty resilient. However, I know that many people are extremely worried about how they will manage, with rising fuel and food prices ( and who knows what the outcome of Putin's madness will be?!) I think it is fair to say that even if Rishi finds a hidden stash of billions+++ it wont help with the effects of climate change and political decisions world wide on the amount of food and fuel available for instance.

SO enough of my politicising ( is that a word?) Off to choose something to kickstart this blog.

Back soon



  1. Time to start reading the John Seymour books again me thinks.

    1. Indeed. Along with Carla Emery and the Tightwad Gazette !

  2. Looking forward to what you are going to post. xx
