Tuesday, 4 April 2017

I make a stupid mistake

Hello All
Welcome Zuria Amber on Bloglovin, good to see you here.
It's been a busy couple of weeks, mostly with the Civic Society, a seperate pressure group that I am secretary to and the gardens (of course)
Last Sunday most of the family came round for tea, plus a woman (and her husband) who sees our house as her second home and arrives with her scissors to cut anybody's hair that needs it. (line up everyone)   Youngest daughter with her son and daughter  set to to clean the goat house floor, which was covered in over three months worth of chicken s*** as we have been deep littering them .The chickens should really be back in their house in the orchard, but when David set about deep cleansing and fumigating this he found that a couple of shelves and a couple of laying boxes needed replacing. While this is being sorted the hens are still living in the goat house and free-ranging over the vegetable plots that I am desperate to start planting up. We are probably only a couple of weeks from getting our orphan lambs so the goat house also now needs a deep clean. We will need to be careful how we do this as four hens have hunkered down on eggs in various spots in the goat house and we expect chicks from this weekend and over the next two weeks. It looks like we might have a perfect Easter picture with chicks and lambs if all works out to plan (yeah right).
When the dream team had finished mucking out they leant the front of the old goat byres against the end byre. As I needed to access this to pick some eggs I moved one of the byre fronts against the water tap and then forgot it. An hour later ED found our beautiful cockerel Hugh-two, under the (very heavy) byre door. When she extracted him from this he clearly couldn't walk and on investigation it seemed he had broken his leg at his "elbow". I felt dreadful, what a stupid mistake to make.What to do? David cut a piece of angled aluminium, bent it into the shape of Hugh-two's elbow while YD duct taped it to his leg. We then put him into a large rabbit hutch to rest overnight. I hardly slept worrying about what I would find in the morning as it was possible that the splint wouldn't work and/or that he also had internal injuries.
The next morning I opened the rabbit hutch and Hugh-two flew past me squawking loudly. He limped over to the nearest hen and proceeded to do what cockerels are paid for!! Grant you he fell over afterwards, but his pecker was definitely up! We are watching him carefully and so far he is eating well, managing to dust bath rather inelegantly, limping all over his kingdom and bonking for England!
This weekend we are off for the first weekends' sea fishing of the year. So we are Cornwall bound on friday afternoon, while YD and EGD take over, wondering what catastrophes will happen while we are away. A good friend of mine is coming with us this time and she and I  hope to hit the charity shops etc while David is at sea, while taking the opportunity for a good gossip, which we seem to have little time for recently.
Will close for now as I have to post some newsletters and flyers and I'm already a day later than I promised.
Back soon with more bits and pieces of random stuff
Love Gillx
PS Isn't the blossom spectacular this year?



  1. Have a wonderful fishing trip, we are away this week end first time in three years, we have a friend coming t animal sit should be interesting

    1. How many lists have you made for your friends?! While I'm told that it is good for me to get away, I never really relax or forget what is happening back home. I'm always remembering those little things that keep the holding ticking along. As you haven't been away for three years you certainly deserve a rest, enjoy! x

  2. Happy Fishing. Wish I knew how you fit so many things into your day!
    Hope Hugh two makes a full recovery

    1. Sys she who is doing easily as much as me with many plates in the air!
      I'll keep you posted re. Hugh two.

  3. I shouldn't laugh at Hughs misfortune but you had me chuckling at the image of him with his leg in a splint and still chasing the ladies.

    1. Laugh away. he does look rather funny and is now being called Stumpy by everyone.
      Down your neck of the woods at the weekend, keep the sun shining for us.

  4. One of my neighbours ran over his dog in the tractor, and broke his leg. He took a stick and some baler twine and made a splint, and the dog is now fine. Occasionally being an amateur Vet' works!

    1. When our sheep were worried by dogs and one broke her leg, the vet fixed it with wood from the wood store a tea towel and baling twine. We fed her willow for the pain and she healed very well.

  5. Oh gosh, poor Hugh Two. I'm glad it hasn't dampened his ardour! Enjoy your break (oooh sorry, no pun intended)x

    1. I think if anything it has made him randier than ever!. "Break" ha ha.

  6. his leg in a splint and still chasing the ladies.


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