Monday 3 November 2014

Thank you

Hello Fellow Frugellers.
Firstly a big THANK YOU you for all your kind words of sympathy after my last post. The autopsy is tomorrow hopefully. As he didn't die at home, but in another city (where they were visiting his daughter at Uni) the next hurdle will be getting him home. Mind you the undertakers will take care of that and make it as stress free as possible I am sure. So we are just waiting on news so that we can move the official stuff  along for his wife and children.

On a much lighter note another big THANK YOU to the Weaver of Grass who posted some fabric to the "young quilters" that I wrote about on October (24th) They are absolutely delighted with them. It was so kind of her.

 Hope you like my new header picture, just a little premature, weather-wise I know. It is of our house, taken from the front  (bee) garden not last winter but the one before. I wonder if it will look like this again this winter?
  Off to tidy the kitchen table for the Civic Society Committee meeting.
Back Soon
And thank you again


  1. I do love the new photo, Gill, your home looks lovely and welcoming. I don't mind the snow as long as I am prepared for it!

  2. I find your new header photo rather bitter/sweet. It LOOKS beautiful, but snow is my most hated weather. I leave it to those who enjoy!

  3. Oh Gill, I'm so, so sorry about your nephew. Very sad news indeed. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.

    I love the header photo. I'm wondering about snow this year too. We had our first frost on Nov 1st (not unusual) accompanied by rain mixed with snow (highly unusual!). Time to batten down the hatches just in case.

  4. Love your header, viewed on a lovely Autumn day and from the comfort of a warm room, it is like an early Christmas card. Have you thought of using it as yours this year?

  5. I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your nephew, how terrible. Thinking of you and your family at this very sad time. xx
