Thursday, 17 July 2014

Adam the Dog-Sheep

This is a first for me .. A Video !!
My daughter and her daughter are throwing a ball for their dogs, Sammie and Coda. Adam the sheep always comes up for a fuss and to have his bottom and face licked by the dogs ... Yes I know it's gross, especially as they usually do it in that order!. Coda often drops the ball at Adam's feet and Adam just looks at it, sniffs it and loses interest as it isn't food. On this occasion he decided to join in fun.. but really didn't get it !
 "What is the attraction in those round inedible objects?" he says.

Another boiling hot day today, still no rain, but promised for tomorrow.
Back Soon
Gill x


  1. That's very funny, poor sheep- second place to a ball....!

  2. What fun. The two dogs look a bit like my two.

  3. Great video well done lets hope there is more to come.
    The sheep has it been hand reared, it is really having an identy crisis.

  4. Looks happy enough to me, perhaps running around with a big woolly coat on in yesterdays' heat, wasn't quite as much fun as munching on something edible!
    Thanks for sharing the video, love the expression on Adams' face!

  5. That's brilliant, poor Adam is easily confused.Well done on getting into the hi-tec world of videos! very clever, I wouldn't have a clue.

  6. So cute and funny. I can just hear him saying, Ok...I'm down here and they are back up there. Now...I'm up here and they are back down there. haha.

  7. Great video.. poor confused Adam..haha :o)

  8. That is so cute with the sheep! Thank you for the morning smile!
