Monday 4 September 2017

Judging at the Horticultural Show

Hello All
I might do a bit of an update on my last post soon, discussing the animals, crops , money making schemes etc.
But for now I have a request.
Has anyone judged at an horticultural show and have they any tips?
I have been asked to judge the three preserve categories at our local horticultural show. At first I thought "Who? Me?" thinking I didn't have the experience. On reflection I probably do. I entered my first jar of jam at the Kingsway Hospital Show aged 10. I remember the jam was raspberry, made from fruit that I scrumped from a derelict orchard and I came 3rd. Not a bad start against the WI brigade!. Since then I have pickled, bottled, brewed and dried, salted and jammed and jellied year after year, sometimes in huge amounts.
The show is next weekend and I shall arrive as staging finishes to judge my classes and then set off immediately from the show to travel to Cornwall for a weeks sea fishing. David that is, I will be car booting, charity shopping, sewing, painting and all the other activities I follow while himself is on the briney.
So wish me luck with the judging and if you have any experience please share. The only thing I am absolutely sure of is that I shall find something positive to say about each jar, whatever the quality of the contents.
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  1. Your last paragraph says all there is any need to say Gill. My farmer judged vegetables and hay in a local show for years and he always said it was instinctive and also that another judge would probably choose a different one as everyone tries their hardest.

    1. I've certainly looked at exhibits that I thought were the best that haven't been placed and vice versa, so I guess I can't please everyone. I'll just have to be true to my own views

  2. Don't envy you that job!
    The worst thing is when someone gets placed and hasn't followed the schedule to the letter.
    and it's always nice to find a positive comment on the card

    1. The schedule seems a bit vague to be honest. The only thing stressed being that the jars are 1lb jars. So I guess I can get that bit right.
      A few years ago I, and many others, entered into the victoria sandwich class (4:4:4:) The winning cake was at least an 6;6;6, being considerably wider and higher than all the others. There was much chuntering and the next year the weights were stressed more firmly in the schedule.

  3. I've no experience but it sounds like you have it by the bucketful so I am sure it'll be obvious on the day. Best of luck!

    1. Thanks I think I may need it. Not looking forward to tasting pickles!

  4. I've judged painting shows; you end up being hated by 99% of the entrants. I wish you luck.

    1. Cheers! I should imagine judging painting is much much harder as it is a very subjective and the contestants more passionate about their work.

  5. Make sure you read the scedule first then you will need some spoons (teaspoons), some hot water in a cup to wash your spoons and a cloth to clean them and maybe a drink of water depending how many entries there are. Hope that helps.
    I'm not a judge but I have watched them whilst I've been doing my treasurery bit.

    1. Very helpful Carol, thank you very much. I hadn't thought about the drink of water. Most important I should think.

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