Wednesday 29 June 2016

On Being Prepared

Being Prepared
As promised here is (the first) post on being prepared. "Prepared for what?" I hear you say.
Let us start off slowly, when was the last time you found yourself unprepared ? Did you learn from it? Did you take your mac next time?, or buy those candles for the next time the power goes out?,  keep a few simple stores in so that you can feed unexpected guests?
 If we were to ramp this up. Will you cope with a four day power cut? Or being snowed in for four days? or the bank computer has a blip and your cheque is a week late?
Ramping up further. What if the shops were empty for a while because the shelves had been emptied? What if you lost your income and your savings dwindled and you needed new clothes? What if that power cut was even longer and there was no TV and  children could no longer charge their mobiles (NOW you're scared!)
Longer term, what if the worlds food resources wouldn't go round everyone, or floods destroyed our area long term, or there was a massive crop failure, or we were unable to buy or produce the oil on which we so depend.
And finally I will go all disaster movie and say what about if society as we know it was destroyed or a natural disaster took us back to the dark ages?
Are you prepared for any of these things?
 To many of my followers this is bread and butter stuff. You wouldn't be reading a blog on Frugality and Self Sufficiency if you weren't some sort of a "Prepper". However, I do know that some young folk, students and people new to S S read my blog and I hope they will find something here of use.
 We all have things to learn that make us more self reliant and resourceful. I hope that you will join in with your ideas and thoughts and make this a more useful blog than it would be if it were just my ideas.
As I said I shall start off slowly, my first post will be on preparing for small difficulties.
Back Very soon
PS Much has happened sonce my last post, but I have decided I can't be bothered to write about it!
PSS Welcome to Anna Buell and Very Ordinary Annie on the Follower bar and Julie Royston-Ford, Tannia and Julie on Bloglovin


  1. Replies
    1. I'm determined to post very soon (I know I have been tardy lately)
      I suspect you could make a better job at this subject than I Weave. x

  2. If any of the last scenarios happen we will definitely bring the caravan to your place!! - If we can get the diesel of course. :-)
    We used to be well prepared on the smallholding - now? in town? hopeless.

    1. You will definitely be most welcome Sue. In tough times we will need experience and the right attitude.
      I am giving quite a bit of thought to those who live in a town too. I'd like to bet that when Col is better and you can concentrate on such matters you will be putting your mind to this.x

  3. Now you are talking my language! Bring it on I will love every post I am sure.

    1. I'll try not to disappoint you!
      Please join in with ideas.

  4. Looking forward to that. I'm always interested in being prepared. Have you been on Survival Mom's blog? It's good.

    Joan (Wales)

    1. Hi Joan!
      Just popped over to her blog. Brilliant! I think I need to follow it.

  5. Sounds interesting. Questions like: What 5 products would give you the most meals? I don't know the answer but someone will!

    1. Great question. We/you ought to do a separate post on it. Though obviously I will be talking about stores and am hoping people will join in.x

  6. First aid kit every home should have on and every car and a basic knowledge of first aid goes a long way, it was the first bit of prepping I did

    1. You are in front of me there Dawn, absolutely essential items.
      I expect you will be thinking alongside of me with this subject

  7. I am very interested in your next posts.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    1. Hope you DO find them interesting. Rest assured I shall also be considering Hamish and his kind!x

  8. I've been meaning to do some posts like this! I'll look forward to reading it!

    1. Just up your street Kev. Please join in, you have much to contribute I'm sure

  9. yes! disaster could be around the corner! looking forward to your next and subsequent posts.

    1. We never know do we? I'm starting slowly and building up to disaster!

  10. A great time to think about a little bit of preparedness, I agree. Who knows what's round the corner at the moment? !

    1. Things are a little shakey right now aren't they? that's without the environmental issues that some of us have our eye on.
      Good to see you here Jackie.

  11. A great time to think about a little bit of preparedness, I agree. Who knows what's round the corner at the moment? !
