Wednesday 24 February 2016


Hello All
David has a new tweed jacket and is concerned about moths. I have bought some moth balls, but they smell of...mothballs! I won't know if they keep the moths away as I shall be nowhere near him if he smells like that!
So fellow bloggers.. any ideas, recipes, etc. to keep his new jacket safe from the little blighters?


  1. Lavender and cedar are both moth deterrents, I do keep a cedar plank in the closet and I do use Lavender sachets too they are quite easy to make and the plus side it does smell good way better than the moth balls that are not safe for kids and pets.

  2. The best deterrent is fresh air! Wear it often. Moths thrive in storage/undisturbed places.

  3. My mum hung branches of rue in the wardrobe to ward away moths. Personally I would have shredded the rue and popped it in a cloth bag - the bottom of her wardrobe looked like a forest floor :( !!

  4. cedar blocks. but occasionally rub with emery board or sandpaper to freshen them up. lavender is good too - but some blokes think it smells like their great aunt so resist having its perfume round their clothes !

  5. I have never had a tweed jacket eaten by moths, so have no remedy. Do you live in a seriously moth infested area?

  6. Cedar, if you can get it (we can't) or (small) bars of soap in the pockets

  7. tweed jacket sounds so cozy. the best way to save it just wear one as often as possible :) and have pleasure from it

  8. I just happened to be in an Edinburgh Woollen Mill shop yesterday in Bridgnorth and spotted some packs of cedar wood rings at £3 per pack or two packs for £5. They just might do the trick and smell much better than mothballs too :)

  9. never had a problem with moths to be honest, have you had trouble with them in the past?

  10. never had a problem with moths to be honest, have you had trouble with them in the past?
