Saturday, 24 October 2015

Happy (Labrador) Ending

Yes I know it's been a while and I'm sure you don't want a blow by blow account of why I have been away. Suffice to say here I am, just in time to give you  a story with a happy ending.

 In my last post I told you about a guy who was looking for a dog after he had lost his beloved Labrador. You may remember that my youngest daughter volunteers with a Labrador rescue charity. The day after that post YD was informed of an 8 year old Lab called Charlie who was looking for a forever home after the breakup of his owners relationship.
Here he is

 Today, after a couple more assessment visits and discussions Charlie met with his new daddy.
Love at first sight!

Back soon


  1. Lovely ending they look made for each other :-)

  2. The best ending ever.
    Love Love Love and Happiness !

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Good, he looks like a real sweetie. A Lab' happy ending is always good news.

  4. Isn't it lovely when a dog like that ends up with a labrador lover - lucky for the both.

  5. Actually, because I'm a nosy old cow, I DO want to know why you've gone missing from blogland!!
    Happy dog with happy new owner - good news indeed

  6. Thanks for these comments. He is doing really well so far. Just been to the vets and has a clean bill of health.
    Will precise the time just for you Sue ..four day fishing trip; crop gathering (lots) crop processing; getting ready(including baking 12 cakes and assembling three new exhibits) for our yearly Civic Society Exhibition; Hosting said two day exhibition; taking sheep to slaughter and butchering all five; visitors,; visiting ..a couple of meetings. NO housework as no time!.

  7. Charlie looks very happy - brilliant :) I love your run down of what you've been doing - it made me giggle!

  8. Aww ... what a lovely happy ending, that last photo is wonderful :-)
